Why Commercial Mold Inspections are Important for Your Building
11/18/2019 (Permalink)
Commercial buildings are huge investments, which would make sense why finding the right building to invest in requires a lot of vetting. Along with checking square footage, the surrounding area, plumbing, wiring and the works, a mold inspection should be immediate also.
Professional mold inspections in commercial buildings are a fairly new concept. Health issues brought about by mold was not advocated for until the 90s, when a light was shed on the possible consequences of mold infestations. Now, homeowners and business owners alike are meticulous in inspecting for mold when purchasing a building, as they should be.
Mold can grow on virtually any surface, so long as it is presented with a damp enough climate to persist. Mold spores can be extremely apparent via smell or sight, or it can only be detected through specific testing. Mold survives on or “eats” away at materials, causing damage and change to the look, smell, or structure of whatever it is affecting. Structural changes can include the reliability or strength for a building. For an investor or building owner, this could raise working hazards and building safety.
Allowing employees to work within mold-ridden spaces is another costly situation. Due to mold’s potential health risk, employers and building owners should be weary of allowing employees, visitors, tenants or vendors to inhabit the building. Even if the mold is quarantined to one specific area, it still has the potential to travel through HVAC systems, affecting other areas.
If you are purchasing or currently own a commercial building, a mold inspection should be mandated. A commercial mold remediation company can perform visual assessments, sampling, and mold remediation strategies. Even if mold is not found, remediation companies can provide insight into future issues. Any situation that is a potential playground for moisture accumulation and mold growth will be addressed by a professional. This includes a leaking roof, structural characteristics that may allow water into the building, building maintenance issues or more.
Scheduling pre-move in or purchase mold inspections as well as implementing routine inspections, especially in Florida, are vital to your building and business.